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Our mission as an institute is to advance progress towards a set of grand challenge problems by enhancing the rationality of scientists, citizens, and policymakers.

We describe five of these here to provide inspiration, direction, and next actions to those working to complete our curriculum:

  • Pandemics: Enhancement of vaccine development, manufacturing, and supply-chain; better public health policy and practice.
  • Climate: Greenhouse gas emissions are warming the planet and without intervention will lead to runaway compounding of effect and global humanitarian disaster.
  • Diversity: Billions have been disenfranchised globally on account of their demographics.
  • Growth: As the global economy grows, a key challenge will be to ensure this growth is sustainable vis-a-vis resources such as food, water, energy, and shelter.
  • Medicine: The next generation of medicine and the broader healthcare (including insurance and insurance policy) infrastructure will predict, prevent, and precisely remediate disease. And everyone will be included.

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