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This century, the product of (1) massive population growth and (2) disruption of agriculture due to climate change could create distress in food supplies; thus, besides seeking to avert climate change, it is relevant to explore technologies to enhance the productivity and nutritiousness of our agriculture.

Population Growth

The World population will grow beyond 11 Billion by the end of the century.

Land use

Land use efficiency needs to continue to improve to support population growth.

Crop yields


Here is a list of some of the most prominent entities focusing on this topic.

Recommended Reading

  • Chakraborty, Subhra et al. “Next-generation protein-rich potato expressing the seed protein gene AmA1 is a result of proteome rebalancing in transgenic tuber.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America vol. 107,41 (2010): 17533-8. doi:10.1073/pnas.1006265107
  • OWID Population Growth
  • OWID Land Use

This is a progressively updated document. Stay tuned for updates.

References & Acknowledgements

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